Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pain is it body or mind or both?

Pain Body
Originally uploaded by trav1s

I recently went to a nutritional seminar all about natural solutions for chronic pain.


what is pain?

According to wikipedia , pain is seen as physical pain . chronic pain is something that last for more than 3 months. It is a typical sensory experience that may be described as unpleasant awareness of stimulus or bodily harm.
Essential pain is felt in the brain.

Individuals experience pain through daily hurts and aches, injuries and through illness.

Did you know that there is a "war against pain" and pain is winning.
As many as 16% of pain sufferers want to die.

This year is was reported that chronic lower back pain had increased by a staggering 250% over the last 14 years.

Did you also know that pain medication NSAIDS are the 15th leading causes of death in the US. ( and this is meant to help us ?)

Did you know in Australia pain relievers are the most commonly used medication. That must mean a lot of people are in pain.

Did you also know that chronic pain patients can often be prescribed anti depressants. Many neurotransmitters have a powerful regulating affect on pain perception . Is is depression or is it pain ?

Is pain just a warning signal of something else that is really going on in the body/mind or spirit?

common causes of pain

Auto immunity
structural disorders
exercise induced
stress and tension
referred pain.... the list can go on....

some of the ones I deal with daily within my kinesiology clinic are:

headaches, sinusitis, gastro intestinal disorders, pelvic , back and structural pains, sleep disturbances, depression,

what are the drivers behind pain?

tissue dysfunction
tissue acidity
chronic infection

Besides making sure you eat right and not exposed to toxins and get the inflammation and acid levels down to help inflammation and tissue repair... we also need to look at our stress levels and emotional and mental pain ?

so can kinesiology help pain , absolutely...

Population bases studies have demonstrated that distress can lead to pain and pain to distress. Is there a vicious cycle going on here ?

An inseparable part of pain management is the state of mind of the client. Pain puts clients at greater risk of developing depression , anxiety and pessimistic thinking patters. In turn this dysfunction of mood and cognitive makes the perception of pain worse.

Positive attitude , being proactive and learning healthy coping mechanism are all important topics to look at.

As Louise hay ( best selling book, You can heal your life) says" if your willing to do the mental work , almost anything can heal"

If you don't know who Louise Hay is , why not check this out.

If you or someone you know is experiencing pain on some level it is an sign that something is out of balance.

Do you need to live with this pain, its up to you ? lets hope not :)

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