Tuesday, May 12, 2009



I have been doing a few courses of late and I thought I would share some interesting information that may help those that are interested in nutrition as part of their well- being and as an added tool to complement future kinesiology sessions .


We are not only what we eat, but also what we drink, breath and touch.

Why detox ?

The body has mechanism for eliminating toxins , but if the detoxification pathways are overwhelmed you may consume and absorb more toxins than the body is able to get rid of.

You may wish to ask yourself some of these questions and if the answer is yes to more than one of the below questions you may wish to ask your self if its time to do a detox?

Are you often tired?
Do you suffer from digestive complaints: bloating, diarrhoea, constipation
Do you suffer from headaches?
Do you get muscle aches and pains?
Poor short term memory?
Depression , anxiety and or mood swings?

Did you know that toxic exposure comes in many forms?

The gut: food, water, pesticides, heavy metals, food additives, chargilled meats

Lungs: air pollution, petrochemicals, heavy metals, cigarette smoke

Skin: chemicals, cosmetics, clothes ( industrial chemicals)


Did you know you work environment could be toxic? To name a few of these toxic occupations that may be harmful to your health:

Aluminum production ,boot and shoe industry, carpentry, coal, furniture and cabinet makers, hairdressers, steel, painters, printing, rubber and textile industries.

If you have been involved in any of these industries you may wish to think about doing a detox.

Handy Hints

Whats in your area?
Find out what toxins are located in your neighbourhood


For your information:

I am presently in week 4 of a 6 week program and would be happy to talk to you about the physical and emotional aspects of doing a detox... and where to order the program from.

The one auricfields recommends is by metagenics :



I completed a 1/2 day seminar with metagenics a little while ago on detoxification and thought it was time to try it out myself...

Up to date: I feel very alert and have even lost some weight.. ( so detoxification program can also help in this area of well being too :)

In regards to detoxification on a kinesiology level the main organs you are working with are Kidney and Liver. Kidney talks to us about fears, anxiety and how we support ourselves. Liver talks to us about anger issues which can be very toxic over time.

so dont be surprised when doing a detox that emotional, mental issues may come to the surface and they may well be very old issues that you thought "havent I dealt with these issues" .. "oh no, not again".. yes ..

if you find this happening whilst doing a detox thats when kinesiology can balance your body to gently process whats coming up and to help your body work effectively whilst on the products that you are using for the detox.

Until next time .. health and happiness :)

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