Saturday, May 16, 2009

Couple session using Kinesiology

Kinesiology and couples

"Love is looking at the same mountain from different angels".
Quoted by Paulo Coelho from the book titled , The Valkyries

"Love is not to be found in someone else but in ourselves; we simply awaken it. But in order to do that, we need the other person"
Paulo Coelho , Eleven minutes

I love these quotes by Paulo Coelho about Love...


It is often seen as only one on one work but did you know you can work on relationship issues together as well as separately.?

why not come in together and get your relationship issues dealt with.

why would this be different to a one on one session?

The goal behind a couple session is to create a real space to look at the truth and to balance energies together so growth and understanding and healing can happen as a team effort.

I find that sometimes working on a individual level about relationships can only cover one part of the relationship. why not take it a step further and get both parties balanced. I can find that one person can be doing all the work and the other person in the relationship may be being left behind.

what others are saying :

"the couple session allows for much more concentrated, partner focused session, which is specific to every facet of the relationship conscious and unconscious. Often during an individual session, you work on self development and issues surrounding your relationship may arise, however, ultimately this is still up to the individual following on from that session to be proactive in communicating those changes. However during the couple sessions, both parties are present therefore, both parties are responsible and accountable for acknowledging and making the changes they need to make to fulfil a common goal."

"Couples sessions through Kinesiology are an effective medium for unearthing deeper, underlying issues within the partnership. Couples sessions demonstrate that each person contribute in their own way to disharmony within the relationship and therefore, makes the individual accountable and responsible in healing that relationship and moving forward. This ultimately reduces the ‘blame game".

Couple session are now available at auricfields kinesiology in Toorak.

Please contact me by email or phone 0407 516 921 for further information regarding session together and costing.


Have you heard of the " 5 love languages"?

You might be interested in working out your "Love language" together.

Thanks to Dr Gary Chapman world renowned speaker, author and counselor.

Gary quotes: At the heart of every relationship –rests the same core longing: all people need to feel loved.

Just to highlight the love languages you might wish to discuss with your partner.

Quality Time refers to spending time together as a couple. People who have this as their love language feel loved when they are taken out on special dates, when their spouse clears the calendar for them, or when the television is turned off in order to have a conversation.

Others prefer Words of Affirmation as a way to be shown love. Telling your spouse how you appreciate them, encouraging them, and general words of praise and acceptance all show your love.

If Gifts is your spouse’s love language, then you need to understand that for them, gifts are not simply material objects — they are expressions of your love.

If your spouse’s love language is Acts of Service, they will appreciate your help more than anything. Give them a night off from cooking or other household chores. Repair that leaky faucet. Help them with the yard work. Prepare them a nice lunch to take to work.

Some people prefer Physical Touch as their love language. A simple touch on the arm, hug or back rub will convey your love to them.

Interested in finding out our own love language?

Health and happiness:)

Friday, May 15, 2009


I just attended a GNLD seminar on Anxiety, stress and depression and thought this information needs to get out to the public.

Did you know the number one disabling illness in Australia today is neither cancer or heart disease . Its Depression.

One in five Australians will experience depression in their lifetime.This is more than one million people in one year.

Information taken from

As you can see these conditions are very much part of our society and kinesiology has a very good success rate treating these conditions whether you are on medication or not.

Besides balancing any stresses, anxiety's or depressions through using kinesiology, why not support yourself throughout the year with nutritional supplementation.

Kinesiology comes from a holistic approach to your well-being.

One must consider the entirety of a person or client, by adopting a holistic approach to their well-being. They must possess an awareness and sensitivity to the significance of other dimensions, that encompass and influence their clients’ life such as: their intellectual, social, cultural, physical, moral and other aspects of human development.

Here are some handy hints to consider for all three areas : stress, anxiety and depression

Tre-en-en( whole grains and lipids)

Improves well-being, energy, supports stress hormones, adrenals, blood sugars

Vitamin B complex

Eases mood swings, supports mental stability, helps think straight, for when its all too much and you cant face life have a vitamin B

Vitamin C

Supports immunity during stress, need for neurotransmitters, supports stress hormones


Nature's sedative, fore tearfulness, irritability, nervousness and insomnia

For Anxiety 6 at night time.

*Information attained from GNLD seminar by Dr Bruce Dewe

If your interested in any of this information please don't hesitate to contact me.

If your interested in ordering any of these products you can do this through me or sign up yourself and buy at wholesale prices for friends and family members.

It costs $50.00 once a year to join up and you can order your products on line and they can be delivered to your door in 2 to 3 days after ordering.

To do this follow the link to the online enrolment form:

click on get "started now" link
click on Australia
fill out the form
under who referred you : Amanda Adey
sponsor ID# 35 92377

Its that easy !!!!

I have been using and learning about these product for many years now and I can highly recommend pretty much all of the products. Up to date I have nearly tried them all for different maintenance programs, so please don't hesitate to ask me anything about them .

GNLD also offers free information and training sessions for all members just in case anyone has a interest personally or professionally in nutrition.

Yours in Health and Happiness

Tuesday, May 12, 2009



I have been doing a few courses of late and I thought I would share some interesting information that may help those that are interested in nutrition as part of their well- being and as an added tool to complement future kinesiology sessions .


We are not only what we eat, but also what we drink, breath and touch.

Why detox ?

The body has mechanism for eliminating toxins , but if the detoxification pathways are overwhelmed you may consume and absorb more toxins than the body is able to get rid of.

You may wish to ask yourself some of these questions and if the answer is yes to more than one of the below questions you may wish to ask your self if its time to do a detox?

Are you often tired?
Do you suffer from digestive complaints: bloating, diarrhoea, constipation
Do you suffer from headaches?
Do you get muscle aches and pains?
Poor short term memory?
Depression , anxiety and or mood swings?

Did you know that toxic exposure comes in many forms?

The gut: food, water, pesticides, heavy metals, food additives, chargilled meats

Lungs: air pollution, petrochemicals, heavy metals, cigarette smoke

Skin: chemicals, cosmetics, clothes ( industrial chemicals)


Did you know you work environment could be toxic? To name a few of these toxic occupations that may be harmful to your health:

Aluminum production ,boot and shoe industry, carpentry, coal, furniture and cabinet makers, hairdressers, steel, painters, printing, rubber and textile industries.

If you have been involved in any of these industries you may wish to think about doing a detox.

Handy Hints

Whats in your area?
Find out what toxins are located in your neighbourhood

For your information:

I am presently in week 4 of a 6 week program and would be happy to talk to you about the physical and emotional aspects of doing a detox... and where to order the program from.

The one auricfields recommends is by metagenics :


I completed a 1/2 day seminar with metagenics a little while ago on detoxification and thought it was time to try it out myself...

Up to date: I feel very alert and have even lost some weight.. ( so detoxification program can also help in this area of well being too :)

In regards to detoxification on a kinesiology level the main organs you are working with are Kidney and Liver. Kidney talks to us about fears, anxiety and how we support ourselves. Liver talks to us about anger issues which can be very toxic over time.

so dont be surprised when doing a detox that emotional, mental issues may come to the surface and they may well be very old issues that you thought "havent I dealt with these issues" .. "oh no, not again".. yes ..

if you find this happening whilst doing a detox thats when kinesiology can balance your body to gently process whats coming up and to help your body work effectively whilst on the products that you are using for the detox.

Until next time .. health and happiness :)