Monday, November 23, 2009

Preventing Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes and the facts..

More than 3 million Australians have or are at risk of diabetes. Worldwide – 246 million people have diabetes (1)
Diabetes is the sixth highest cause of death by disease in Australia.

People with diabetes are twice as likely to have high blood pressure and also are more likely to have elevated blood fats e.g. cholesterol, triglycerides.

They are twice as likely to have cardiovascular disease, e.g. heart disease and stroke.

One in four Australian adults has either diabetes or impaired glucose metabolism.

Diabetes is Australia’s fastest growing chronic disease.

An estimated 2.1 million Australians are at risk of diabetes .

One person is diagnosed every seven minutes .
About 1 million Australians are diagnosed with diabetes. However, for every one diagnosed, another is undiagnosed .

Based on this, by 2014, Diabetes Australia-NSW expects the number of people with diabetes to total approximately 4.5 million (7)

This is scary stuff .

check out what it costs and the burden on our economy and health care systems.

Type 2 diabetes costs Australia $3 billion a year
The cost of diabetes to the community for a person with no complications is $9,625 a year
For a person with complications, the cost to the community is $15,850
The 4% of people who have diagnosed diabetes account for 12% of the total health costs in Australia.

This is all quoted from the diabetes Australia -NSW.

Apparently there is no cure for this so what about Prevention ?????

Here are the signs :

kidney disease, weight loss or weight gain, cuts and bruises don't heal, incontinence, thirst, extreme hunger, numbness in hands and feet, fluid build up, tiredness, vision changes, urinary tract , skin infections, just to name a few.

other things to watch for :

20% over body weight

high blood pressure, HDL cholesterol is too low, triglycerides too high, blood sugar irregularities, sleep deprivations effecting hormones.

Just to clarify :

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when there is too much glucose in the blood because the body is not producing insulin or not using insulin properly. Insulin is a hormone needed for glucose to enter the cells and be converted to energy.

How to help yourselves?

Make sure you get regular blood tests for hormones , cholesterol, blood sugars etc

kinesiology sessions can help look at why you might be tired?

why you put on weight or cant lose weight?

Your blood sugar levels , circulation , hormonal imbalances and sleep issues.

Look at your diet , make some changes.. no sugar, no sugar.

minimum alcohol, eat fruit and veg, low glycemic foods, low trans fats, eat fish. If allergic to fish try Salba seeds or bread which contain omega 3.

stop smoking

exercise. 5 sessions a wk. walking pace not a stroll.

avoid: high fructose drinks

sugar substitutes( not good for brain). use stevia instead.

herbs that can help.

Gymnema sylvestre: Ayurvedic remedy that's helps insulin production

Bilberry: fruits that contain flavonoids

cinnamon: improves ability of type 2 diabetes to respond to insulin

fenugreek: fibre slows absorption rates and reduces blood glucose.

Go on a weightloss program, get some expert nutrition advise.

Hope that helps :)


Radioactive Happiness!
Originally uploaded by netsrot

I recently went on a health retreat and one of the topics we talked about was "Happiness".

I have found that one of the many reasons clients come to a kinesiologist might be to figure out what is stopping them from being happy or how to bring more happiness into their life.

When asked sometimes what is happiness, it can be hard to describe or many people say " I will just know when I am happier, I will just feel it"

The wikipedia describes happiness as the following :
Happiness is a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, love, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy.

While direct measurement of happiness presents challenges, tools such as The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire is available to check you happiness ratings.

Give it a Try!

These are 10 points that you may wish to take on board in your pursuit to happiness ..

1/- Communication and community = connection
We need relationships in our life to help us feel a level of connection to each other

2/- Creativity
We are all creators, life becomes opportunities

3/- Reflection and time out
Pray , meditate, journal. This all helps us find ourselves and therefore a connection with self.

4/- Responsibility and involvement.
We all need to be responsible for our own happiness. This builds courage and strength.

5/- Routine
Gives us balance and control

6/-Self respect
Recognise your own values and worth and then you can see others.

7/- Positive ways of seeing
How do we view things? How do you respond?

8/- Short memory.
Don't keep the past alive. Let go to create a new.

9/- Renew
Acts of purification.

10/- Play
Natural instinct. be childlike not childish. Enjoy life!!!!